Powerful Dua To Bring Husband and Wife Closer (100% Effective)


Many people suffer in arranged marriages. When the husband and wife have different views and ideas, it becomes tough to continue their lives on the same track. Especially it is becoming more difficult for wives. It creates a gap between husband and wife. Husband starts avoiding his wife because of this gap. There is always a chance husband might start an illegal affair. It can be disastrous for a wife. No wife wants this to happen with her. For this wife can take the help of a powerful dua to bring husband and wife closer.

Before You Begin Reciting These Duas, Here Are Some Guidelines To Remember. 

Have Honest Purposes:  Ask for what you want with a good heart and intentions. 

Surrender to Almighty Allah: You must fully believe Allah will do everything you ask of Him. In no way should you question His ability to grant your requests. 

Pronounce The Phrases of Duas Correctly:  Understanding the correct phrasing of the dua you wish to make is crucial. This improves the likelihood that Allah will accept your dua and guarantees you are making the right one. 

Purify yourself before you make your Dua: Before you pray, you should clean yourself with ablution. The purity you achieve in this way will enhance the power of your dua to bring husband and wife closer

Perform your first Dua on time: The last portion of the night, after mandatory prayers, on Friday afternoons, throughout Ramadan, and during breaking your fast are all times when duas have a higher chance of being accepted (iftar).  

Pray for Forgiveness: The first step in performing dua is to ask Allah for forgiveness for any wrongdoings or sins you may have committed. Use the phrase “Astaghfirullah” to help ensure your dua is heard and answered. 

You should recite the names of Allah: It is suggested that you mention the names of Allah in your dua since doing so indicates your understanding of the many dimensions of who He is. 

Don’t recite Dua during your period: Women cannot begin a dua or wazifa. 

Dua To Bring Husband and Wife Closer

This is one of the most powerful special dua and wazifas to increase love in husband heart mentioned in the Quran to help married women lacking the love of husbands. It needs to be performed carefully. The person who is performing this dua should take all necessary information from Islamic books. Dua and wazifa to bring husband and wife closer will increase love between you and your partner. It should be performed after Jumah Namaz.

  • Both Husband and Wife can perform this dua.
  • The person who is performing this dua should wear neat and clean clothes.
  • Firstly take a glass of Sharbat.
  • Then read Laa Haula 36 times.
  • After that, read this wazifa to bring husband and wife closer.

Illa Billahil Allyhil Azeem

  •  Read this dua for 358 times.
  • After that, drink that glass of sharbat.
  • Then read Wala Quwata for 96 times.
  • After that, take a glass of milk.
  • Then read Surah Kais 25 times.
  •  After that, read Qadqamatis Salah 25 times.
  • Then drink that glass of milk.
  • After that take a glass of water.
  •  Then read Surah Hafiz 287 times.
  •  After that, read Dua e Mujammal 27 times.
  • Then drink that glass of water.
  • Then take some sugar.
  •  After that, read Iman e Mufassal 27 times.
  •  Then read Surah Faiz 27 times.
  • After that, throw that sugar outside your house.
  •  After that, read Surah Ikhlaas 258 times.
  • Perform this for eight days.

This is a unique dua that creates love between husband and wife. This is one of the fundamental husband-wife love problems. In today’s world, every person has become very busy. Today’s time when both husband and wife are busy in their career’s nobody has time for each other. This might prove dangerous for any relationship. You need to spend time with each other and recite dua for husband and wife for better strength and bonding. For any doubts regarding husband wife love dua, you visit our site.

Dua For Love Between Husband And Wife

Dua to bring husband and wife closer

Usually, in arranged, marriages husband and wife don’t know each other. It becomes very difficult for husband and wife to start their new life. When two strange people start their new life, it becomes tough for them to adjust their lives.

They both have different views and thoughts. It takes time to understand each other, and building trust in any relationship takes some time. There is also a powerful dua for husband wife love that married couples can recite.

Here are the steps of performing dua for love between husband and wife:

1. Use pure Niyyah for ablution.

2. Recite 100 times “Allah Hus Samad.”

3. Following the morning prayer, recite “Allahu Akbar” 50 times.

4. Place a piece of paper with the words “Alhamdulillah” under your pillow.

5. After Evening prayer, repeat Surah Yunus verse 6 twice.

Sometimes in arranged marriages, husband and wife are not able to understand each other. Their thinking does not match with each other. Your thought doesn’t need to match with your partner. That is why today’s generation prefers love marriage more in comparison to arranged marriages.

In a love marriage, a person knows his partner from before. He can understand his partner better. Your thought matches with your partner. The most important thing for any relationship to be successful is that there should be no misunderstanding between you and your partner.

Dua To Increase Love In Husband Heart

When you want to attract your husband’s love, one of the benefits of dua to enhance love in his heart is to attract him. To do so, perform a dua to increase love in your husband’s heart to attract him and then recite Quranic surahs and verses per the procedures suggested by our Molvi Ji.

Here is the procedure for dua to increase love in Husband Heart-

1- Carry out ablution.
2- After that, recite Durood Sharif 30.
3- After that, read Surah Yusuf verses 1–10 five times.
4- Repeat Durood Sharif 31 times.
5- Finally, ask Allah to assist you in attracting him to you.
6- Inshallah, you will soon meet your Hajat.

You can contact our Islamic Scholar, Molvi Noor Mohammad Ji, for further assistance. He will provide you with the most suitable duas and advise you to bring your husband and wife closer.

Some Other Useful Articles –

Wazifa For Husband Love

Wazifa To Get Lost Love Back

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Husband and Wife Find Love Through Wazifa?

Wazifa can be used to seek guidance, blessings, and improvement in any aspect of life, including the love between a husband and wife. However, it is essential to remember that love in a marriage requires effort, understanding, communication, and mutual respect from both partners.

Which Surah should we recite to strengthen our love for our spouses?

Some of the Surahs that are commonly recited for this purpose include Surah Ar-Rum (Chapter 30), Surah An-Nur (Chapter 24), and Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2). Combining it with sincere intentions, efforts to improve communication, mutual understanding, and adherence to Islamic teachings related to marriage and relationships is essential.

What is the finest Surah to recite to make my husband love you?

Love is a complex emotion that cannot be forced or manipulated through specific recitations. However, you can recite Surah Al-Fatiha (Chapter 1) and make sincere supplications to seek Allah’s blessings and guidance for your marital relationship.

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