Powerful Dua to Get What you Want


Aslam Walikum to all people. Do you wish to get what you want? Are you worried about it? If yes, then don’t worry! You can seek help from Allah Talah. Today, we provide you with the most effective “Dua to get what you want in your life” from Quran.

There are people who say that your abilities and perseverance assist you in achieving the things you want from life. However, we say it’s a combination of the efforts you make along with the effects of the Powerful Islamic way.

It is the actual truth that hard work is as much as important as luck. So, this dua can help to achieve the things that you want in your life by bringing good luck.

Maybe you wish to get a promotion in a job or you wish to make someone fall in love with you or something else. It depends on your wish what you want in your life this dua will help you.

In Quran, there are many solutions for every problem. You just need to have belief in Allah. You can get the blessings of Allah by the use of dua. Just make sure that what you wish is only for good intentions that don’t harm anyone.

Some Tips to Consider Before You Begin “Dua to Get What you Want”:

  • First, make an ablution properly before performing “Dua To Get what you want”.
  • You must sit in front of Kibla prior before using “Dua To get What You want”.
  • You have to perform this dua in a proper way with a pure heart.
  • Our Molvi Hazrat Noor Mohammad believes that the Islamic prayer of Tahajjud is the best time for making this dua.
  • First, you need to drink Zamzam water after that you can start to recite this “dua to make someone what you want”.
  • Do not use any black magic while performing this dua, if you want it to be accepted by Allah.
  • Never indulge in black magic. Allah prohibits us from engaging in it. It’s Shirk and can affect our lives.
  • Don’t keep any bad intentions in your head while doing the Dua.

Here is a step by step “Dua to Get what you want”

  • You have to clean yourself properly and only wear fresh clean clothes before performing this dua.
  • Then begin with performing 2 Rakat Nafil Salah.
  • After that read DUROOD-E-AWAL fifty times.
  • In last, Perform “Subhaanallaahi, Walhamdu lillaahi, Wallaahu ‘Akbar” 150 times.

You should perform this procedure for at least 2 days continuously in a proper way. Insha Allah, you will get what you want in less period of time. If you need any help to perform this dua then you can consult with our Molvi Hazrat Noor Mohammad Ji.

Sometimes, a special person left you because of some misunderstanding and you want him/her in your life then you should perform dua to make someone come back to you in your life.

Powerful Dua To Make Someone Do What you Want

if you have a crush on someone, we understand your need to get their attention. If the person you like is not falling in love with you after making many efforts, you should try the dua to make someone do what you want.

You have to use this dua only for good intentions and do not try black magic to make your wish complete. It can harm you. May be Allah (SWT) won’t grant. So just perform this dua with a good heart. So here we provide the powerful dua to make someone what you want.

  • You have to sit in a quiet place and take fresh Zamzam water.
  • After that read Surah Al-Mursalat “Laa Zaaleelinw Waa Laa Yuughnee Miinal Laahab” (only read Verse [77:31]) 13 times. 
  • ENGLISH Translation“Neither shading, nor any assistance against the intense flames of the conflagration.”
  • Then, recite “laa ilaaha ill-allaahul” 11 times to make a person do what you want.
  • At last, drink that Zamzam water. And pray to Allah (SWT) to make a person do what you want. 
  • Patiently wait for five days while keeping complete faith in Allah. After five days, you will see the effects, and that person will do what you want.

If you want to make someone love you then you should try wazifa to make someone fall in love with you. This Wazifa will help you to make a person mad in love with you.

Dua To Make Someone Do What you Want

Also read: Dua to Make Someone obey you and agree what you say.

For completing your wish, you should also recite this “Dua to get what you wish” mentioned below in the Image.

Here is Step by Step Wazifa to Get What you Want:

  • You should read Durood Sharif eleven times Before & after performing this dua.
  • After you’re done, you can ask Allah to give you the things you desire.
  • Without worrying, just say to Allah what your heart wants.
  • At last, perform Dua “Ya hayyu ya qayyum birahmatika astaghees” at least 300 times
  • ENGLISH TRANSLATION: “O Living, O Self-Sustaining Sustainer! In Your Mercy do I seek relief.”

You must do this wazifa for 7 days to get what you want. Insha Allah. You’ll get the desired outcome in a short period of time.

If you want to convince your parents to marry your lover then just recite this dua for love marriage to make parents agree in Islam.

Also, read Dua to bring back lost love.

If your lover has broken up with you because of another person, we have the perfect Islamic remedy for this problem. If you want to make your lover come back then just try this Wazifa to get ex-lover back from Quran. This Wazifa will help you to get your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend back in your life.

Considerations of Dua to Get What you Want

These are Some Considerations of Dua to Get What you Want

  • Women shouldn’t do this Islamic solution during the menstrual cycle. 
  • Don’t keep any negative thoughts when you are doing this dua.
  • Don’t be negative about anyone.
  • you will have to keep this dua and it’s ritual confidential until you get the desired results.
  • And if you make a mistake during this ritual, you will have to begin again from the very first step.
  • If you are facing problems using this dua then you can take help from our Molvi Hazrat Noor Mohammad Ji to perform it well.

If your husband or wife wants to take a divorce but you wish to save your marriage from divorce then it is best if you use Wazifa to stop divorce in Islam. This Wazifa will remove all obstacles from your married life.

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