6 Powerful Dua For Love Back In Islam – Dua To Get Love Back


Aslam Alaikum, My Dear Brother, and Sister, Today, We provide you the “Most Powerful Dua for Love Back” in your life. Everything would be meaningless without love, and love is an essential aspect of everyone’s life.
Love makes life beautiful and unforgettable every moment seems to be memorable when someone is in love.

Most Powerful Dua For Love Back ( Dua For Lost Love Back)

You meet someone in your life who adores you and sticks with you through thick and thin. You both fall in love with each other, yet things don’t always stay the same. You have many conflicts and fights, and you eventually split up.

If you have the same issue in your love life and desire “Dua to bring your love back,” in whatever case, you have come to the perfect place. You will find ” Easiest Dua for Love Back” below, and you can use any of them. If you want your sweetheart lover back, we advise you to read this entire article. You will undoubtedly receive the result if you read the whole article.

7 Benefits of Performing Dua To Get Love back In Islam

  • Reuniting with a lost love is possible with the help of the spiritual practise of Dua.
  • It begs for Allah’s forgiveness and assistance with personal problems.
  • Dua can help you ask for your loved one’s forgiveness and understanding.
  • It has the potential to bring about emotional recovery by easing the pain of separation.
  • With the use of dua, you can share your thoughts and feelings with others.
  • Rekindles the passion you once felt for one another.
  • Describes how to apply Islamic concepts to the complexities of romantic relationships.

Some Instructions Before You Begin Dua For Love Back :

  • Perform All Dua for love back after listening to the Adhan for the best results.
  • Sip some Zamzam water before beginning these dua for love back. (If you have Zamzam water)
  • Take a seat in the direction of the Qibla while reciting Dua to get your love back.
  • Perform these dua in the appropriate Islamic Halal manner.
  • Avoid using Black Magic or Shirk, as well as having Negative Thoughts.
  • If you mistake while reciting this dua for love back, repeat “Astaghfirullah” 11 times.
    Have complete trust in Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) while performing dua to get love back in 3 days or dua to bring lost love back.

Step by Step Procedure Of Dua For Lost Love Back-

  1. Have a bath and think deeply about your lover by soul.
  2. Then repeat Durood Sharif twenty-one times.
  3. Then recite Surah Al-Hujurat

Innal lazeena yunaadoo naka minw waraaa’il hujuraati aksaruhum laa ya’qiloon

     4. Finally, beg Allah (SWT) to give your love back.

Note: For the best results, perform this dua after Fajr.

Millions of our readers have read and completed “Dua to get your love back,” and they have been successful.

Dua To Get Love Back In 3 Days

Being dumped in a relationship makes you feel unwanted. If you have never thought that your partner will give up on you and you cannot accept your breakup, then you should recite dua to get love back in 3 days or dua for love back.

The dua to get your love back in 3 days will attract your partner back to you. He/she will also miss you and would do efforts to come back into your life. Don’t worry! And just keep reciting the dua to get love back in 3 days with great patience and sincerity. With your commitment and clear heart, you will be able to bring your ex-lover back to you.

Dua to get love back in 3 days in the following steps –

  • Make ablution and find a good place to sit.
  • Keep a glass of water in front of you.
  • Now recite this beautiful name of Allah Talah “Ya Wajidu” 111 times and then on the water.
  • Give this water to your lover to drink. If your lover is not available then think of him/her and you drink the water
  • The dua for love back can also be performed for spouses.

It will resolve all the conflicts and bring you to a position where your lover would want to re-enter your life. He/ she would be ready to make a fresh start with you and give you all the love and care that you demand and deserve.

Steps For Dua To Get Your Love Back 

  • Keep the picture of your lover in front of you after performing the Maghrib namaz.
  • Then recite this dua to get your love back 111 times

La Qad Jaa Aakum Rasulam Min Anfusikum Azizun Alaihi Maanii Tum Sum Alaijum Bil Moomineena Rauphur Raheem

  • Then make dua for love back to Allah Talah to send your lover back to you.
  • Insha Allah, in 2 days your lover will come back to you.

True love is one who will always be with you. Your true love will never leave you in any case no matter what happens. True love does not mean that in good times your partner stays with you and in your bad times, your partner leaves you. This is the best way by which you can judge your partner.

Dua To Bring Lost Love Back

If your lover leaves you in bad times that means he or she is not the right person for you. But if he stays with you in bad times that means he or she is the correct person for you. If you lost such a person then dua for love come back will be the best way to get your partner back.

Here is dua to bring lost love back in your life in the following steps –

  • Firstly read two rikat optional Namaz from Quran.
  •  After that read Durood Shareef for 11 times.
  • Then read this dua to bring lost love back “ Sadaqta Wabararta”.
  • Read this dua for love back in 3 days for 87 times.
  • After that light four candles in your room.
  • Then read Surah Kaif for 25 times.
  • After that blow off one candle.
  • Then take the name of your lover three times.
  • After that read Sana for 1 time.
  • Then blow off second candle.
  • After that recite fifty times Surah Yasin.
  • Then take your name 2 times.
  • After that read Surah Naas for 17 times.
  • After that blow third candle.
  • Then read Astagfirullah for 97 times.
  • After that read Attihayat for 5 times.
  • Then blow off the fourth candle.
  • Perform this for 3 days.

Often you lose your love because of your parents. Your parents will never allow you to love someone. Your parents think that a person might cheat you by making false love to you. But it is always not like this. It might happen in some cases but this does not mean that you will always get the wrong partner.

Wazifa For Love Back

Wazifa for love back in one day is excellent for making someone love you again quickly, miss you when they think of you, and fall in love with you again. In addition, this wazifa for love back causes the person you love to call you whenever they miss you.

Wazifa For love Back Is given below-

  • Make wuzu.
  • It is preferable to complete it after the morning prayer.
  • Three times, recite Durood E Sharif.
  • Then, read verse 9 of Surah Al Imran 201 times while contemplating the individual.
  • Finally, pray to Allah that they will think of you.
  • Inshallah, they will begin to view you as you desire.

Tips for Performing Dua for Getting Lost Love Back

  • Wake up early in the morning and maintain a mind and spirit.
  • Take a shower to unwind your body, and then retire to your room.
  • You can now rest in an area where there is no additional noise.
  • Clean your environment and read Durood Sharif eleven times.
  • Close your eyes and pray to Allah that your departed love will return to you.
  • Now, read Ayat al-Kursi seven times per day for seven days.
  • Finally, wash your face and consume a delectable dish.

It is important to perform Dua For Love Back, Dua to Bring Lost Love Back or Dua to get love back with the intention of marriage or else it may not work to establish a haram relationship. In case, you don’t get fruitful results these days, you should get in touch with our Molvi Noor Mohammad. He will provide you with a customized solution as per your present condition to get immediate results for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get my long-lost lover back in a few days with the help of Islamic Dua?

Islamic Dua can seek Allah’s help to mend hearts and reunite with a long-lost lover. However, results may vary, and it’s essential to have sincere intentions and patience. Pray earnestly, seek forgiveness, and leave the outcome to Allah. You will soon get your love back with pride.

I broke up with a girl two years ago due to family issues, and Now I want her back in my life. Is it possible to get her back?

Reconnecting with a past love is possible, but it’s complex. Reach out sincerely, express your feelings, and apologize if necessary. Respect her decision and be patient. Factors may have changed, and feelings can evolve, but be prepared for any outcome. Our Wazifa To Get Love Back will get her back in your life, but you must perform it with pure intentions and calmness.

How effectively dua will work if I do it with all my heart and pure intentions?

Dua for love back is most effective when said from a state of honesty, with no ill intent and honest goals. Sincere prayer demonstrates dependence on God and acknowledges the supremacy of God when it flows with trust in Allah’s wisdom.

Allah hears the prayers of His faithful people and answers them in the best way possible, whether by giving them what they ask for or something better or by rewarding them in the Hereafter for their dedication and trust in Him. 

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