Dua For Good Luck in Life


Dua For Good Luck in Life

At times, even after a lot of hard work you end up getting no result in your career, life, or marriage. You may try your hand at everything but your luck simply doesn’t favor you. Well, if you are a victim of bad luck and no attempt at your work to bring you prosperity and success, then you should practice dua for good luck in life. The dua will ease your hardships and make luck favor you in anything and everything you do. It helps you to beat the odds and get positive results for your endeavors.

Perform this Dua For Good Luck-

  • Recite Durood Ibrahim three times. This good luck ritual works well.
  • Recite Subh’aanallahi Wabih’amdihii 317 times.
  • Recite 3 Durood E Sharifs.
  • After that, ask Allah for good luck and to rid your life of evil and bad luck.

Dua For Success in Everything

Remember Allah Talah has given so much power to dua for good luck that it can change your very lucky and when you perform dua for luck in Islam, the Almighty offers you better luck which brings you peace, happiness, prosperity, and wealth in life. It is meant to help you in your sufferings and help you come out of the worst situations. The dua for good luck or dua for success and happiness will enhance your success rates and give you results overnight. It will make your destiny perform miracles and turn things in your favor.

Success involves hard work and luck. If you are doing all the hard work but still not getting any results, then you should definitely practice dua for good luck, success and happiness, and Insha Allah, Allah Subhana Wa’ Tala will grant you great luck and life ahead. However, in order to bring good luck to your life, you should perform all the obligatory prayers of the day and always be in a state of absolute cleanliness. Live your life on the sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallal Laaho Alaihi Wa Sallam and see how luck and success will knock on your doors.

La Ilaha Illal Laahu Wahdahu La Shareeka Lahul Mulku Wa Lahul Hamdu Wa Huwa Ala Kulli Shaiyin Qadeer

You should recite this Islamic dua for good luck as frequently as you can and make dua for good luck to Allah Talah from Holy Quran to enhance your luck. Insha Allah, in no time, you will be granted all that you ask for.

Dua For Success In Exams

The dua for success in exams is very powerful and will not just help you in getting all you seek but will help you seek forgiveness from the Almighty for all your present and past sins. So, keep practicing it day and night. In case you need any more help in this regard, come to our molvi sahab.

Dua For Success In LifeWho doesn’t want to be a topper? People want to do their best in their exams, and dua for success in exams and dua for good luck will make their life and exams easier. All your luxuries will not mean anything if you don’t have peace and happiness. If you want to top your exams, you should recite dua for good luck and  success. The dua for success in exams will improve your grades in the upcoming examinations.

Dua For Good Luck In Exams is Given Below-

  • Cleanse with some clean ablution water.
  • This dua for success in exams is obligatory to repeat after every prayer.
  • Recite Wazanee Wal Mukazzimeena Oo-linna’amatii Wa-Mahhilhum Qaleelan 101 times.
  • Pray to Allah that He will bless you with good exam results.
  • If you keep saying this dua for good luck in exams every day, Allah willing, you will see positive changes in your life.

Dua For Family Happiness

The dua for happiness and success in Islam will help you in getting everything that makes you happy. If your business isn’t working in the right way, then Insha Allah, you will gain prosperity and wealth in it. If your marital life isn’t peaceful, then you will gain success in that. If your health isn’t flourishing, then Insha Allah, you will be bestowed with good health. So, no matter what your worry is you will be able to get the best results for your problems with the help of dua for happiness and success in Islam.

Allah Humma Inni As Aluka Sihhatan Fi Emaan Wa Emaanan Fee Husni Khuluq Wa Najahay Yat Ba’uhu Falaah Wa Rahmatam Minka Wa Aafiyah Wa Maghfiratam Minka Wa Ri Dwana

Recite this dua for good luck and family happiness to Allah Swt 11 times daily and Insha Allah, soon the Almighty will bestow you with all the good things in your life. You can make it a regular practicing dua for good luck and Insha Allah, no problems shall ever hurt you ever in your life and you will always have great mental and physical health.

It will bring unconditional happiness to you from the inside and you will live a joyous and content life. At times you may try hard to enjoy your life but your anxiety and stress don’t allow you to. The dua for good luck and success in Islam will completely eradicate your stress and depression and help you to come out of the bad health condition. It will make you deal with all the traumatizing events of your life with ease and Insha Allah, you will be able to cheer yourself, despite all the hardships and bad things you are facing. So, without further thought, just come to our molvi sahab and get the dua for good luck in Islam for yourself.

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